Elevate your professional services business

You are just like us, spending your days working in the background making people's lives better. Whether you're a lawyer, working in real estate or a medical professional, we can help your business.
Female doctor

We care about you & your business

You be a pro at your thing and we will be pro at ours. With the right systems in place we can help you reach your five year goal and beyond, this helps you relax knowing your finances are in trusted hands leaving you with more time for customers.

So let's get you started with professional services bookkeeping and accounting in the Northern NSW and Gold Coast region.

Staff & Payroll

The success of many businesses often relies on great staff. But payroll can be confusing and time consuming, we can take this off your hands.

Cashflow and budgeting

Keeping your business growing and successful can take time and may be overwhelming. We can help you see where you can scale your business.

Discounted tax

Finding a trustworthy accountant can be difficult. We can offer discounted deals when you use Danny as your Tax Agent.

More time for you

Who wants to stand on their feet all day and then spend hours after work doing admin and sorting out numbers? Why not pass this task on to someone who knows the pain and can help you.

Who we help

While you're busy helping those around you, we will be busy keeping your books in proper order.
From administration workers, managers, lawyers, educators, healthcare workers, architects and drafters and physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths to whoever else you can think of, we can help your business.

Contact us today to get started!

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Pricing made just for you
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